Family & Youth

Emotional Intelligence for Teenagers

Learning how to become emotionally literate is one of the best investments that human beings can make for themselves, their family and their future. Many of today’s young people experience overwhelming anxiety, feel intense depression and often have to deal with stress and pressure, sometimes edging beyond that of an adult.

Nurture their Nature

In general, the more positive your self-esteem, the more successful you will be at dealing with life. The same holds for your children. The more positive their self-esteem, the more confident and proud they will be. They will try harder, be happier and have greater self-respect. They will make friends easier and will be more giving. Children with positive self-esteem are more secure and loving than children with negative self-esteem. Negative self-esteem is related to low self-confidence, insecurity, underachievement, anxiety, depression, acting-out behaviour, sleep problems and being a loner.

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